Our Curriculum
The William Campbell College curriculum is purposefully designed to meet the needs of students from K-8 who are in out-of-home care and have experienced, or are experiencing, trauma and are struggling to cope in mainstream schooling.

The William Campbell College curriculum is based on the NSW Educational Standards Authority syllabus outcomes across all key learning areas including; English, Mathematics, Creative Arts, PD/H/PE, Science and Technology and History and Geography according to NESA’s time allocation for each subject.
Literacy and Numeracy are considered as ‘core and critical’ content and are taught as sequential, stand-alone lessons that take place daily. The college implements high quality, evidenced based literacy and numeracy programs.
The Berry Street Education Model curriculum is also embedded within the college curriculum framework. The BSEM approach is through a Trauma-Informed Positive Education (TIPE) lens that links approaches addressed in trauma informed classrooms (TIC) (healing), with proven positive psychology interventions (PPI).
A range of strategies, brain breaks and structured lesson plans are incorporated into the college curriculum units of work and used within the day to day routines of the classroom and behaviour management.
William Campbell College is a Christian school. We acknowledge that God created each child individually and we encourage students to embrace their unique gifts and reach their God given potential. We have weekly Christian Living lessons run by our College Chaplain and inspire our students to explore the world around them from a biblical worldview.
Outdoor Education
The college curriculum is enhanced by students personal experiences outside the classroom, both within the school grounds, as well as journeys to and through nearby natural environments. Any learning experience that can be undertaken outdoors or in a natural setting can contribute positively to a range of learning areas and student’s personal development. Therefore, where possible, learning content is delivered outdoors, with a whole school focus on agriculture, horticulture, permaculture, aquaculture, a tinkering workshop and access to natural bushland and waterways.